Central Foods vegan apple pies

Central Foods has tweaked the recipe of its popular Menuserve Deep Dish Apple Pie.

Central Foods has tweaked the recipe of its popular Menuserve Deep Dish Apple Pie to make it suitable for vegans. At the same time, a commitment has been made to use solely Bramley apples for the filling of the pies.

'The nation’s most popular sweet pie'
“With the same great taste, our Menuserve Deep Dish Apple Pie recipe has been tweaked to make it vegan so that it can now be enjoyed by even more customers,” said Gordon Lauder, managing director of Central Foods. “Apple pie is the nation’s most popular sweet pie, according to Foodhub, so we are delighted to have been able to alter the recipe so that it is suitable for vegan diners.”

The pre-sliced deep dish apple pie is one of a wide range of frozen quality desserts offered by Central Foods to the catering sector. It was launched into foodservice two years ago and has since become a big favourite on menus.

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