Government is being urged to stop avoiding the issue surrounding lack of sustainable farming.

The Soil Association is urging a response regarding sustainable farming, as the need for nature-friendly farming grows.

Farmers are trying to maintain habitats and protect insects, but the government isn’t delivering enough support.

Farming minister Mark Spencer delivered an update on Thursday 5 January claiming that farmers will see rewards for protecting the environment, however the Soil Association says that farmers aren’t appeased by this.

Defra have further cushioned the statement by outlining pay rises, encouraging farmers to incorporate the Environmental Land Management Scheme and Countryside Stewardship.

“Today’s payment hike recognises the poor uptake so far of the Sustainable Farming Incentive scheme, but farmers still await the bold vision and clarity they need to invest with confidence in a transition to nature-friendly farming systems, like organic. We are running out of time – government needs more game-changing action,” says Gareth Morgan, Soil Association head of farming policy. "If we are to truly reverse the catastrophic decline in wildlife and meet our climate goals, we need bolder ambition with support for farmers to protect nature across their entire farm, not just in protected areas.

“Transformative change is needed rather than tinkering around the edges. The Environmental Land Management Scheme cannot achieve this in isolation – trade deals, carbon markets and supply chains must also work to ensure British farmers can produce nature-friendly food that is good for both the planet and human health.”

The Soil Association has also called for the protection and restoration of nature, government investment in farmer-to-farmer learning, and intervention to overhaul a broken food chain of unsustainable diets, and a continuation of Countryside Stewardship incentives.

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