Businesses unite behind UKHospitality’s #FiveAsks for Ofgem

Hundreds of hospitality businesses have responded to Ofgem’s consultation on the energy market

UKHospitality, the sector’s leading trade body, and more than 350 hospitality businesses, representing thousands of venues, have presented a united front to the energy regulator, demonstrating the urgent need to implement the recommendations set out in its review of the non-domestic energy market.


UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The sheer devastation of the energy crisis has brought to light the need to fix the uncompetitive and wholly unfair business energy market.


“Critical feedback from UKHospitality and its members was a leading factor in hospitality being highlighted in Ofgem’s review and now is the time for decisive action.


“Ofgem and the Government should waste no time in implementing its own recommendations, and energy suppliers should heed this call to get their house in order and start treating hospitality businesses fairly.


“The strength of feeling demonstrated by the sector throughout this consultation shows just how desperately change is needed. A clear and direct communication to energy suppliers to help the worst affected businesses should be the immediate priority, particularly as we head into winter.


“There is also a clear role for government, which we highlighted in our response, to implement regulation to deliver better behaviour in the market, particularly when it comes to regulating brokers and widening access to the energy ombudsman.”

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